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California, Iraq, and the Dems: An Angry Rant


So, I just have to throw this out there if only to vent. Can someone tell me what the hell is going on? How is it that natural fires in California that make hundreds of thousands evacuate (which, while terrible, many of them will have insurance to at least partially get their life back if their homes are destroyed) is worthy of front page round the clock coverage with minute by minute updates and special graphics and everything else....and yet using our tax dollars to bomb the hell out of entire cities forcing the likely permanent displacement of millions of Iraqi refugees gets an occasional article or two?....

Ok, it's a fire. A big fire. And it's terrible. But holy jumpin jiminey Christ, this is not the big San Fran quake. This is not the world ending. This, even this, in my book is classified as more bullshit that is focused on obsessively rather than keeping an eye on this ridiculous, endless mess in Iraq.

So some homes and trees are burning. Terrible. Nature's pissed off. We get it. And every minute that goes by, millions more are spent forcibly causing destruction on thousands of other people, but who gives a crap. They're not near Hollywood, and we don't have cool pictures of them.

And speaking of which, what about those pictures. CNN puts up the smiling face of an Iraqi boy, right next to the picture of his now deformed massacred scarred face...and the response is overhwelming. http://edition.cnn.com/... Americans flock to help with letters and money and support. Where the fuck are these people for the thousands of others that has happened to? If a tree fucking falls, I guess. Do people really not understand that this shit is happening every minute? Is it too hard to understand that that is what those death and injured numbers they keep reading about means? Where the hell are the pictures of the countless women and children and fathers that have been maimed and slaughtered and burnt to death using our money?

I'm losing my fucking mind here. This is just going on and on...and nothing is stopping it. And these fucking sissy Democrats have now in my book become even more disgraceful than the Republicans. One word: FAILED. They have failed in every possible definition of their role as leaders, as politicians, as responsible citizens, as an opposition party. And still, STILL, they will have the nerve to take more of my money for their fucking pork projects to satisfy local constituents and special interests so they can get elected again. I stand in awe of the US citizen who has somehow passed the third grade and can still convince themselves that these Democrats deserve their vote anymore than the Rethuglicans do.

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